® - Starting® Up Your Device

Begin your journey with Trezor's secure hardware wallets. Follow our simple steps at and protect your crypto assets now. Your Gateway to Secure Cryptocurrency Management


Welcome to the ultimate guide on getting started with your Trezor hardware wallet! Trezor is a leading hardware wallet known for its robust security features, making it an excellent choice for managing and safeguarding your cryptocurrency assets. This guide will walk you through the steps to set up and use your Trezor device, ensuring your digital assets remain secure.

Step-by-Step Setup Guide

1. Unboxing Your Trezor Device

When you receive your Trezor device, the first step is to unbox it. Inside the box, you should find:

  • Trezor hardware wallet

  • USB cable

  • Recovery seed cards

  • Instruction manual

  • Stickers

2. Connecting Your Trezor

  1. Visit Open your browser and go to This will guide you to download the Trezor Bridge, which facilitates communication between your device and the computer.

  2. Install Trezor Bridge: Download and install the Trezor Bridge software compatible with your operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux). This software is essential for your Trezor device to interact with the Trezor Wallet interface.

  3. Connect Your Trezor: Plug your Trezor device into your computer using the USB cable provided. The device should power on and display a lock screen.

3. Initializing Your Trezor

  1. Access Trezor Wallet: After installing the Trezor Bridge, open your browser and go to The Trezor Wallet interface should detect your connected device.

  2. Firmware Update: If this is your first time using the Trezor, you may be prompted to install the latest firmware. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete this process. Ensure that you only download firmware from the official Trezor website to avoid malicious software.

  3. Create a New Wallet: After updating the firmware, you'll be prompted to create a new wallet. Confirm this action on your Trezor device by pressing the appropriate button.

4. Setting Up Your Recovery Seed

  1. Write Down Your Recovery Seed: The Trezor will display a series of 24 words on its screen. This is your recovery seed, which is crucial for recovering your wallet if your device is lost or damaged. Write down these words on the recovery seed card provided in the box. Do not store these words digitally to prevent hacking risks.

  2. Verify Your Recovery Seed: The Trezor device will ask you to confirm your recovery seed by selecting some of the words in the correct order. This step ensures you have accurately recorded your recovery seed.

5. Setting Up a PIN

  1. Choose a PIN: You will be prompted to set up a PIN for your Trezor device. The PIN adds an extra layer of security, preventing unauthorized access to your wallet.

  2. Confirm Your PIN: Re-enter the PIN to confirm it. Make sure it's something you can remember but difficult for others to guess.

6. Using Your Trezor Wallet

  1. Access Your Wallet: With your Trezor initialized and secured, you can now access your wallet through the Trezor Wallet interface. Here, you can manage your cryptocurrency assets, send and receive funds, and monitor your portfolio.

  2. Transferring Funds: To transfer funds to your Trezor wallet, click on the "Receive" tab. You will see your wallet address, which you can use to transfer cryptocurrency from exchanges or other wallets.

  3. Sending Funds: To send cryptocurrency, click on the "Send" tab, enter the recipient's address and the amount you wish to send, then confirm the transaction on your Trezor device.

Security Tips

  • Never share your recovery seed: Your recovery seed is the key to your wallet. Keep it safe and never share it with anyone.

  • Use a strong PIN: A strong, unique PIN enhances the security of your Trezor device.

  • Regularly update firmware: Keep your Trezor device updated with the latest firmware to ensure it has the latest security features.

  • Beware of phishing attacks: Always verify the URL and ensure you're on the official Trezor website before entering any sensitive information.


Setting up and using a Trezor hardware wallet is a straightforward process that significantly enhances the security of your cryptocurrency holdings. By following this guide and adhering to best security practices, you can confidently manage your digital assets knowing they are protected by one of the most trusted hardware wallets in the industry.

Last updated